Welcome Robotics Enthusiasts! Hello robotics enthusiasts!
Stop by and see our robots every month. Everyone is welcome and no experience required. We have people from all ages and experience joining us every month who bring simple robots to extraordinary intelligent machines that include both hardware and software. Bring your kids so they can get inspired by these robots or to ask questions. Our meetings include lectures, competitions and Show-N-Tell. See About Us for directions and maps. Next Meeting
Please join us this Saturday, March 11th at 10:00am for our next *in person* Meetup!
We're at Cal State Long Beach, 1331 Palo Verde Ave., Long Beach CA 90815 Conference Room 103. Here's what's on the agenda for this Saturday... 9:30am The Doors open. Stop by early and say hi! Or log in early to make sure your mic works. We'll be here. 10:00am Alan will talk about using fusion360 to adapt an eye mechanism to InMoov so it can wink and blink! We'll use some of the more advanced mesh editing features to import the inmoov head as reference and to make sure everything fits. 11:00am Jim will talk about giving your robot a personality: Using a GPT service locally or from the cloud right from your speech capable robot! Plus… an intro to prompt engineering to start building it. 12:00pm Lunch Break / Business meeting / The LA Maker Faire! :-) / In Memoriam. :-( 01:00pm Show-n-Tell / Open Session. It's a great opportunity to get caught up on our members' projects and what we've been up to. Are you working on something? Bring it in! A couple bits of administrivia as we meet in person:
Join our RSSC Google Group to get the link for this month's meeting. See you there! Officers for 2023
Membership and Fundraising
Please join our RSSC Google Group to get updated on everything we are doing including Zoom links to the above meetings!
Past meetings are archived on our RSSCRobotics Youtube channel. Need something from the old website? You can find lots of articles and previous events at
RSSC Old Site Copy Scanned PDFs of The Robot Builder newsletter from 1989 to 1991 ( Thanks Jim Ubersetzig for scanning these!) Ben Partida participated in the Community College Aerospace Scholars and won First Place in the robotics challenge!
![]() Listen to this podcast at http://twomaverix.com/?p=15815
WHAT'S HAPPENING?February 2018 Congratulations to members Mitch and Emma Anderson for the article on The Making of Andros that appeared on the February 2018 edition of Servo Magazine. To read the digital version of the article you must subscribe to Servo Magazine.
Previous Events
12/2 Downtown Los Angeles Mini Maker Faire 10/7 and 10/8 2017 San Diego Maker Faire. 9/23/2017 Riverside Minimaker Faire. 7/29/2017 Midsummer Scream Halloween Show in Long Beach. 8/13/17 WRO World Robot Olympiad in Long Beach. RSSC participated in the California State University, Long Beach Tech Day 2017 - see photo essay http://www.rssc.org/2017csulbtechday.htmlSuva Elementary Science Fair 2017 in Bell Gardens, CaliforniaWalter Martinez represented RSSC at the 2017 Suva Elementary School by inspiring lots of young future roboticists!
See photos at www.rssc.org/2017suvaelementary.html RSSC Was Present at the 2017 Bay Area Maker Faire
Thanks to Mitch Anderson and his daughter for representing RSSC at the world's greatest Maker Faire! See photos www.rssc.org/2017bayareamakerfaire.html
RSSC's Alan Timm and Walter Martinez had a podcast interview with Dot Cannon on her show Over Coffee
2019 National Robotics Week - Apr 6 - 14RSSC was present at the December 2018 Downtown Los Agenles Maker FaireRSSC hosted the WRO World Robot Olympiad Regional Competition during our Saturday August 11th Meeting! See event report.
Jim DiNunzio photos from the 2018 Bay Area Maker Faire https://www.flickr.com/photos/jimdinunzio/sets/72157697602084715/
Students taking selfies with InMoov based robot EVO at California State University in Long Beach
2017 San Diego Maker Faire
RSSC Wins Most Impressive Display Award SoCal Maker Convention in Pomona, Saturday November 5th. Get tickets at http://socalmakercon.com
http://www.rssc.org/socalmakercon2016.html National Robotics Week! April 2-10, 2016 http://www.nationalroboticsweek.org/ 2015 RSSC Event Participation: - RSCC will be participating in the San Diego Maker Faire October 3-4, 2015 - RSSC was present in the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals on Friday and Saturday June 5th and 6th at the Fairplex in Pomona. Thanks Robotis for allowing us to be part of your venue and great job in the contest! - RSSC participated in the Orange County Mini Makers Faire at the Irvine Valley College on Saturday May 9th - RSSC participated in the Long Beach Robo Tech Innovation Celebration on Sunday March 29th, 2015 Hanson Robotics visits RSSC
Prof. Mason from Mt. Sac College participates with his students in a Fire Fighting Robot Contest
Walter Martinez InMoov robot named EVO