We meet the second Saturday of the month at California State University, Long Beach in the Vivian Engineering Center (VEC) in room 115, VEC-115 starting at 10AM sharp. Doors open at 9:30AM.
Parking along Palo Verde Ave is free and parking on the campus parking lots is paid and is $15 for the day. You can buy permits at the yellow colored machines found on the parking lots. Parking Lot E6 is a 5 min walk to our meeting location on campus.
Parking along Palo Verde Ave is free and parking on the campus parking lots is paid and is $15 for the day. You can buy permits at the yellow colored machines found on the parking lots. Parking Lot E6 is a 5 min walk to our meeting location on campus.
Cal State Long Beach, Long Beach CA 90815. Walking directions from Parking Lot E6 to VEC-115