12:58 Ron - US bank $24.50 for new checks, approximately $1210 in our savings. We are an educational non-profit so we need to think about how to give away funds for students in need. Bob suggested t-shirts with the money and providing a scholarships for high school kids.
- provide Secretary links of projects they are working on
- Bob & Trish to do events to get young people involved
- Les mentioned the possibility of giving away free robot kits Osoyoo two wheel drive robot kit $36 give one away per month
1:27 Contest (no contest as Jim has the tiles and he is not here) Contest will be next month combined with the Robot Challenge Contest next month
1:39 Mitch Andrus tracked robot talk. Robot appeared in TV show SWAT. He also demonstrated a new software interface made using Processing and the Arduino Teensy to control a CRS robot arm he found on ebay. His plan is to use it in real world pick and place solution. Link to Processing code.
1:50 Ben showed a continuation of the 3D print challenge of the Iris Eye. He was able to scale his to 83%. The contest is ongoing.
2:00 Jim showed other challenging 3D prints of fidgets.
Jim also 3D printed a small scale model of his real brain using open source software freesurfer.net and meshlab.
2:19 Trish - The city of Long Beach has some challenges (contests) that could be solved using AI. Trish wanted to point out that RSSC members could participate and compete to try to solve these challenges. For any individual that is interested in playing with AI and also working on a proposal, there are a few related to AI challenges.
I will explain the project framework and the opportunity. It's a nice opportunity for a group project, if some folks are interested in AI.
Trish also announced another event.
2:29 Tim Lewis talked about the Magic Wheelchair he helped with for a little girl. Tim worked on the electronics for it.
- provide Secretary links of projects they are working on
- Bob & Trish to do events to get young people involved
- Les mentioned the possibility of giving away free robot kits Osoyoo two wheel drive robot kit $36 give one away per month
1:27 Contest (no contest as Jim has the tiles and he is not here) Contest will be next month combined with the Robot Challenge Contest next month
1:39 Mitch Andrus tracked robot talk. Robot appeared in TV show SWAT. He also demonstrated a new software interface made using Processing and the Arduino Teensy to control a CRS robot arm he found on ebay. His plan is to use it in real world pick and place solution. Link to Processing code.
1:50 Ben showed a continuation of the 3D print challenge of the Iris Eye. He was able to scale his to 83%. The contest is ongoing.
2:00 Jim showed other challenging 3D prints of fidgets.
Jim also 3D printed a small scale model of his real brain using open source software freesurfer.net and meshlab.
2:19 Trish - The city of Long Beach has some challenges (contests) that could be solved using AI. Trish wanted to point out that RSSC members could participate and compete to try to solve these challenges. For any individual that is interested in playing with AI and also working on a proposal, there are a few related to AI challenges.
I will explain the project framework and the opportunity. It's a nice opportunity for a group project, if some folks are interested in AI.
Trish also announced another event.
2:29 Tim Lewis talked about the Magic Wheelchair he helped with for a little girl. Tim worked on the electronics for it.