Meeting report - May 11, 2019 at California State University, Long Beach
10:00 AM Dr. Bruce demonstrated his latest autonomous robot using the SLAMTec platform, game controller, RoboClaw motor controllers, 7 inch LCD, Intel NUC small computer.
Today's topic was focused on speech recognition and Python.
Murieta Water District has a solar boat competition next month. Could be interesting.
Upgraded WiFi antenna and better conference USB microphone to his robot. Techkey USB. 3.0 1200 Mbps is much better. The one on his Late Panda wasn’t that good. The WiFi card is in the antenna. 2.4G & 5.8G But really 300 Mbps on the 2.4G channel. $20.
MXL AC404 Conference Microphone. Omni directional and relatively sensitive. USB. $70.
Face Detection - recognizing there is a face. Photograph of a human face.
Face Recognition - who is it?
Speech Detection - is someone speaking?
Speech Recognition - what are they saying?
Voice Detection - detecting presence of human voice, and even knowing direction.
Voice Recognition - who is it that is talking? Dr. Bruce or his wife?
How does speech detection vary from voice detection? Not much.. But say speech detection is looking for language, whereas voice detection is looking for human noises with the voice, e.g., humming.
Face detection is different than face recognition. Upside down face detection works well, but recognition doesn’t.
If you think your program is idiot proof, you’ve underestimated the idiots.
Python Speech Recognition
# create a recognizer object
#setup the microphone
with sr.Microphone() as source:
r.energy_threshold = 500
print(“Say something!”)
# recognize speech using Google Speech Recognition
print(“I heard: ” + _phrase”)
except sr.UnknownValueError:
except sr.RequestError:
pringt(“I lost my internet connection”)
print(“Unknown speech recognition error”)
Note: Arbitrarily Dr. Bruce is using a convention that anything with an “_” in front is a global variable. This is just bookkeeping. Jim points out two underscores does mean something within a Class in Python. Dr. Bruce uses global variables because he is running multiple threads.
Next $20 challenge.
Voice recognition.
Say, “How are you?”
Bruce wants it to be able to know who asked.
“I’m feeling happy, Bruce”
Jim DiNunzio was the winner of April's Speech recognition challenge in Python!
Today's topic was focused on speech recognition and Python.
Murieta Water District has a solar boat competition next month. Could be interesting.
Upgraded WiFi antenna and better conference USB microphone to his robot. Techkey USB. 3.0 1200 Mbps is much better. The one on his Late Panda wasn’t that good. The WiFi card is in the antenna. 2.4G & 5.8G But really 300 Mbps on the 2.4G channel. $20.
MXL AC404 Conference Microphone. Omni directional and relatively sensitive. USB. $70.
Face Detection - recognizing there is a face. Photograph of a human face.
Face Recognition - who is it?
Speech Detection - is someone speaking?
Speech Recognition - what are they saying?
Voice Detection - detecting presence of human voice, and even knowing direction.
Voice Recognition - who is it that is talking? Dr. Bruce or his wife?
How does speech detection vary from voice detection? Not much.. But say speech detection is looking for language, whereas voice detection is looking for human noises with the voice, e.g., humming.
Face detection is different than face recognition. Upside down face detection works well, but recognition doesn’t.
If you think your program is idiot proof, you’ve underestimated the idiots.
Python Speech Recognition
# create a recognizer object
#setup the microphone
with sr.Microphone() as source:
r.energy_threshold = 500
print(“Say something!”)
# recognize speech using Google Speech Recognition
print(“I heard: ” + _phrase”)
except sr.UnknownValueError:
except sr.RequestError:
pringt(“I lost my internet connection”)
print(“Unknown speech recognition error”)
Note: Arbitrarily Dr. Bruce is using a convention that anything with an “_” in front is a global variable. This is just bookkeeping. Jim points out two underscores does mean something within a Class in Python. Dr. Bruce uses global variables because he is running multiple threads.
Next $20 challenge.
Voice recognition.
Say, “How are you?”
Bruce wants it to be able to know who asked.
“I’m feeling happy, Bruce”
Jim DiNunzio was the winner of April's Speech recognition challenge in Python!
11:00 Dennis Mangrobang from awesome presentation on Industrial Robotics Part I of II. Join us next month for part II from 10AM to 11AM.
Talked about current projects, using repurposed AC servo motors that he gets from eBay.
He’s interested in putting manufacturing back in the US. He thinks ownership of manufacturing is a problem. He wants to spread this out. He believes in employee owned companies. Own your job.
Dennis is a good source for information on industrial robot arms.
He bought a used Staubli RX60 robot arm for $600.
But it came with no controller. He’s trying to engineer a controller.
ODrive could be a good hobbiest robot controller.
TI DRV8301 3 phase brushless motor pre-driver.
This is would be for larger things.
Talked about current projects, using repurposed AC servo motors that he gets from eBay.
He’s interested in putting manufacturing back in the US. He thinks ownership of manufacturing is a problem. He wants to spread this out. He believes in employee owned companies. Own your job.
Dennis is a good source for information on industrial robot arms.
He bought a used Staubli RX60 robot arm for $600.
But it came with no controller. He’s trying to engineer a controller.
ODrive could be a good hobbiest robot controller.
TI DRV8301 3 phase brushless motor pre-driver.
This is would be for larger things.
12:40 Business meeting
Ron - Treasury report - we have $1229.43
Ben - we had a request from a high school that is looking to borrow a pool or go to a pool
- New logo is still being designed
Robot Tag Contest 12:40 1:40 - Winner: Bulldozer
Ron - Treasury report - we have $1229.43
Ben - we had a request from a high school that is looking to borrow a pool or go to a pool
- New logo is still being designed
Robot Tag Contest 12:40 1:40 - Winner: Bulldozer
1:40 Bob Barboza - asked for recommendations on voice recognition robots for a radio show on his
1:56 Jim D. talks about his robot Macqueen and how he was planning on doing multhreaded programming using interrupts in Micropython
2:17 Mitch Anderson presented a product ( ) he designed to keep operating time of industrial equipment. He also recommends some Arduino compatible radios Makerfocus that sell on Amazon and can send and receive data between Arduinos or Arduino or PC. Model NRF24L01+PA+LNA.
2:28 Tim Lewis showed a website to get ventriloquist parts
2:33 Alan demonstrated progress on his new quad walker Todd the quad. You can follow Alan Tmm's Facebook at and youtube channel at
2:56 Jake - demonstrated his Arduino based NeoPixel lights project.
Our new 3D printed door stop